Monday, May 7, 2012


"Should dissing the President of the United States mean you're discharged ?

Yes Yes most definitely; anyone  who serves in the military should know that the President of The United States is The Commander in Cheif  he's the head. service men owe respect to to their leader. U.S. Marine Gary  Stein called President Obama a coward and a enemy. He vowed not to salute him and when you think that's all he said he wouldn"t follow  presidental orders he considered illegal. !! i beg his pardon !! that's his opnion about what's illegal and whats not . Freedom speech is a right and important but disrespecting the President of the U.S. in that way deserve dismissal.The American civil liberties is defending him but the marine will fight to win their decision , for the simple fact that's an strict order to ! always follow commnader in cheif and never ever speak politics publicly !.

1 comment:

  1. It appears that the military agreed with you. I do believe he was discharged.
